Keeping everyone engaged is difficult in a remote environment. Board members who are accustomed to face-to-face meetings may find it hard to get their colleagues involved and participate in the meetings. Fortunately, there are some best practices to aid in the running of effective virtual meetings.

Make sure that the technology used in meetings is user-friendly and secure. A clear, active agenda can help keep meetings on the right track and efficient. It is crucial to involve board members in making the agenda and to give it out in advance. This can be accomplished by using an online portal for board members which allows participants to read the information and add points in the meeting before the meeting.

If a discussion veers off the topic, it’s crucial for the chair to get everyone back to the topic. It’s also helpful for the chair to call upon those who haven’t spoken so that discussions are rounded and not dominated by a few significant voices. The use of transition slides in conjunction with the consent agenda as well as action items and financial statements can be an effective method of facilitating discussion.

Incorporating breaks into meetings will increase the engagement levels, especially if they include some trust-building activities such as small group discussions or partnering up board members for peer mentorship sessions. It is also important to offer feedback opportunities, whether it be in the form of anonymous surveys or post-meeting discussion. These can be used to assist board members adjust to the virtual format. Written minutes that document the meeting’s discussion and decision-making are crucial to ensure the smooth operation of your remote board.